Where The Mind Flows THe Body Follows...

Discover the simple formula I use with my clients that allows them to get into the best shape of their lives within just 3 months!

7-Day Energise and Revitalise Blueprint

Unlock a world of benefits that will transform your lifestyle and make fitness a priority, even with your busy schedule!

Does This Sound Like You?

You’re afraid of being held back by self-doubt and want to cultivate a growth mindset and resilience to fuel your success.


You want to undergo a transformative journey, That not only changes your physical appearance, but also empowers you to take ownership, giving you the confidence to embrace every new challenge with an”I’ve got this attitude.


You’re committed to incorporating mobility and flexibility into your fitness routine to enhance your overall physical performance, giving you better body balance and helping to prevent unnecessary injuries.


You’re committed to maintaining balanced and nourishing nutrition that fuels your body and mind.


I understand that self-doubt can hold you back from reaching your full potential. That's why our process is designed to cultivate a growth mindset and resilience, empowering you to overcome obstacles and fuel your success.

Through our transformative journey, we not only focus on changing your physical appearance but also on empowering you to take ownership of your fitness journey. I believe in giving you the confidence to embrace every new challenge with an "I've got this" attitude.

Our holistic approach extends beyond exercise and includes balanced and nourishing nutrition to fuel your body and mind. We also prioritise mobility and flexibility in your fitness routine to enhance your overall physical performance, improve body balance, and prevent unnecessary injuries.

With The Alchemy Connected Fitness Process, you'll experience a comprehensive and empowering fitness journey that will transform both your body and mindset.

3 Steps To Your FITNESS Success

Becoming The Best You Becomes A Lot Easier Once Your Follow The Right Steps...



This phase focuses on habit formation and setting SMART goals. We provide guidance on balanced nutrition, including macros, and emphasise the importance of quality sleep and establishing a routine. Stress relief techniques such as yoga, breathing exercises, and meditation are incorporated, along with self-care rituals like journaling and emotional self-reflection. The exercise component begins with bodyweight circuits that prioritise mobility, flexibility, and stability for injury prevention and progress. You will track nutrition, sleep, habits, stress levels, feelings, and fitness, celebrating victories and progress along the way.



In this phase, you will organise your own meal plans with provided recipes for guidance. We further emphasise reducing refined carbs and sugars, portion control and mindful eating. Time management techniques are introduced to minimise stress and you will learn to manage negative self-talk through emotional intelligence practices. The exercise routine includes targeted mobility, flexibility, progressive strength training and HIIT/interval training. Monitoring workout intensity and exertion is an important aspect. SMART goals are reassessed to ensure progress.



The focus of this phase is to analyse your diet for sustainability and evaluate your progress. We emphasise the importance of balancing nutrition with life enjoyment through strategic treats. Stress-relieving activities are encouraged as a family activity and workplace well-being practices are cultivated. Muscle recovery techniques such as contrast baths and massage are introduced, along with active rest and listening to body cues. Functional fitness training is incorporated to enhance overall performance. Final assessments, including measurements and before/after photos, are conducted to review milestones and wins. You will also receive guidance on planning for continued success after the program ends.

This phase focuses on habit formation and setting SMART goals. We provide guidance on balanced nutrition, including macros, and emphasise the importance of quality sleep and establishing a routine. Stress relief techniques such as yoga, breathing exercises, and meditation are incorporated, along with self-care rituals like journaling and emotional self-reflection. The exercise component begins with bodyweight circuits that prioritise mobility, flexibility, and stability for injury prevention and progress. You will track nutrition, sleep, habits, stress levels, feelings, and fitness, celebrating victories and progress along the way.

In this phase, you will organise your own meal plans with provided recipes for guidance. We further emphasise reducing refined carbs and sugars, portion control and mindful eating. Time management techniques are introduced to minimise stress and you will learn to manage negative self-talk through emotional intelligence practices. The exercise routine includes targeted mobility, flexibility, progressive strength training and HIIT/interval training. Monitoring workout intensity and exertion is an important aspect. SMART goals are reassessed to ensure progress.

The focus of this phase is to analyse your diet for sustainability and evaluate your progress. We emphasise the importance of balancing nutrition with life enjoyment through strategic treats. Stress-relieving activities are encouraged as a family activity and workplace well-being practices are cultivated. Muscle recovery techniques such as contrast baths and massage are introduced, along with active rest and listening to body cues. Functional fitness training is incorporated to enhance overall performance. Final assessments, including measurements and before/after photos, are conducted to review milestones and wins. You will also receive guidance on planning for continued success after the program ends.

Hi, I'm Hugh McArthur

...I am a devoted Health, Fitness, Nutrition, and Wellness coach. As the proud owner of Alchemy Connected Fitness, I have spent over a decade guiding individuals from diverse backgrounds towards becoming the best version of themselves.

During this time, a significant portion of my work has revolved around nurturing young athletes with immense potential, equipping them with the necessary tools and mindset to excel in their chosen sporting endeavours.

Thanks to our collaborative efforts, many of these athletes have achieved international recognition, while a select few have even tasted success at the world level. It was through this transformative journey of developing these athletes that the concept of The Alchemy Connected Fitness Process was born.

I firmly believe that unlocking someone's true potential requires a holistic approach, focusing on their internal fitness first. This entails challenging and reshaping limiting beliefs into growth mindsets, instilling the understanding that failure is merely a stepping stone towards success.

By empowering individuals to take control and ownership of their actions, we empower them to achieve greatness. It is this core philosophy that forms the foundation of our success.

Over the past three years, I have further refined and expanded this system as I began working with non-athletes, many of whom are busy working parents, just like myself. During this time, I have dedicated countless hours to studying and enhancing my knowledge in various areas, including behaviour and habit change, goal setting, visualisation techniques, nutrition, strength and conditioning, and much more.

I firmly believe that true progress can only be achieved by embracing a well-defined process, and through the power of the mind, the body will naturally follow suit.

Embrace the Power of Alchemy Today - Unlock Your Full Potential!

My Mission

The Alchemy mission is to empower individuals to unlock their full potential to transform their lives. The focus is on the power of Alchemy, the process of transforming body and mind through holistic approaches.

We will ignite your inner strength, helping you become lean, strong, and happy. Our programs and services provide a supportive and inclusive environment for personal growth, resilience, and sustainable results.

With a strong emphasis on both Mental and Physical Fitness combined with Goal setting. We guide you on a transformative journey towards self-discovery, balance and a life of purpose and fulfilment. Together, we will achieve greatness.

Why Choose Alchemy Fitness...

Here at Alchemy Fitness, I craft transformative fitness & health experiences, blending a decade of expertise to foster physical, mental and emotional well-being.

Alchemy Connected Fitness is a holistic, customisable approach to health and wellness Empowering individuals to thrive and instil a Mindset for Sustainable Change and Growth.

My Connected Training Philosophy spotlights the interplay between Mindset, Nutrition, Movement and Recovery.

I equip people with the tools to maximize Cardiovascular Health, Strength, Mobility, Agility, Power, Speed, Endurance and more.

With Alchemy Connected fitness you can...

Set aside the quick-fix, one size fits all approach that has had you going round in circles with little or no sustainable results.

Embrace the Alchemy Connected Fitness Process - Where your Mind and Body connect.

Change your Mindset and Habits - the only foundation from where you can build Sustainable Change.

The Alchemy Fitness Connected Process

Whatever Your Unique Goals, The Alchemy Connected Fitness Process Will Empower YOU To Take Ownership Of Your Journey.

  • Mental Well-Being; Enhancing Mental Health through physical activity and mindfulness.

  • Lifestyle Changes; Adopting Sustainable Habits for long-term Health, Fitness and Wellness.

  • Stress Reduction; Managing Stress through Exercise and Wellness practices.

  • Long Term Health; Taking Proactive steps to help prevent Health Issues.

  • Nutritional Education; Learning and Adopting a Balanced Wholesome and Nourishing Diet.

  • Fat/ Weight Loss; Achieving and Maintaining Healthy Fat and weight.

  • Muscle Gain; Building and Toning Muscle for Functional Strength, Power, Speed and Agility.

  • Improved Fitness; Enhancing Cardiovascular Health and Overall Physical Fitness.

  • Mobility, Flexibility and Stability; Improving Range of Motion, Flexibility, Balance and Posture (All helping with Injury Prevention).

  • Cognitive Mind-Body Connection; Enhancing the connection between Mental and Physical Wellbeing, Improving Mental Clarity, Focus and Mindfulness through Integrated Fitness and Wellness Practices.

  • Neuromuscular Performance; Optimising Neuromuscular Coordination and Function for improved Strength, Power, Speed, Agility and overall Functional Physical Performance.

  • Increased Energy; Boosting Overall Energy Levels and Vitality.

Daily Tips Straight Into Your Inbox

Here's your chance to get free coaching each and every day, direct into your inbox to help you get the results you've been trying to achieve yourself for so long!

Ready To Amplify Your Life With Me?

1:1 Bespoke Online Coaching

Experience the power of personalised Health, Fitness, and Wellness solutions with my Bespoke Online Coaching. Tailored specifically for your unique goals, this program offers direct access to me as your dedicated coach. With my support and expertise, you'll have everything you need to achieve the results you desire.

Hybrid Coaching

Discover the best of both worlds with my Hybrid Coaching approach. Combining in-person and online training, this multifaceted program gives you the flexibility to work with me in person while enjoying the convenience of online programming. Whether you prefer more face-to-face sessions or a schedule that suits your needs, this tailored package ensures you receive all the benefits of 1:1 training.

Online Group Coaching

Join my vibrant Group Coaching program and become part of a supportive community of like-minded individuals. Through engaging online group sessions, you'll have the opportunity to connect with others, follow similar programs and celebrate milestones together. With my guidance, accountability, and valuable insights, you'll be empowered to reach your fitness goals while enjoying the camaraderie of a supportive group.

Experience the power of personalised Health, Fitness, and Wellness solutions with my Bespoke Online Coaching. Tailored specifically for your unique goals, this program offers direct access to me as your dedicated coach. With my support and expertise, you'll have everything you need to achieve the results you desire.

Discover the best of both worlds with my Hybrid Coaching approach. Combining in-person and online training, this multifaceted program gives you the flexibility to work with me in person while enjoying the convenience of online programming. Whether you prefer more face-to-face sessions or a schedule that suits your needs, this tailored package ensures you receive all the benefits of 1:1 training.

Join my vibrant Group Coaching program and become part of a supportive community of like-minded individuals. Through engaging online group sessions, you'll have the opportunity to connect with others, follow similar programs and celebrate milestones together. With my guidance, accountability, and valuable insights, you'll be empowered to reach your fitness goals while enjoying the camaraderie of a supportive group.

What Some Of My Amazing Clients Have To Say

"I have worked with Hugh for over 2 years and in that time, I have come to greatly value his expertise and guidance . As an elite trainer, Hugh brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to every session and program he develops. His attention to technique, movement quality, and injury prevention sets him apart.

Beyond his technical mastery, Hugh has an incredible ability to motivate and connect with his clients on a personal level. He understands that coaching is as much about building someone up mentally and emotionally as it is physically. Hugh takes the time to understand your unique goals and challenges. He knows how to push you beyond what you thought possible while also keeping the process safe and enjoyable.

Over the years, I have directly benefitted from Hugh's coaching as he has helped me achieve health and fitness goals I never imagined were within reach, since I started working with him I have taken up badminton, indoor climbing, I have recently started running again, Hugh has been been by my side to help me plan and achieve every new challenge that I have set myself.I've also referred friends and colleagues to him who have had similarly outstanding experiences. Hugh has a true passion for helping others realize their potential.

Whether you are an athlete looking to maximize performance, someone overcoming an injury, or like me you simply want to get into the best shape of your life, I can't recommend Hugh highly enough. His balance of professionalism, deep knowledge, and interpersonal skills make him an elite trainer who delivers transformative results."

Catherine Goldie

Veterinary Surgeon

"I am passionate about bringing the best out in people and Hugh McArthur is definitely the best coach to do it. I met him on a basketball court when I was training with my son, He was coaching a group of basketball players.

We met again a couple of weeks later at a game my son and I were attending. After a great discussion , It was decided that I would bring my son along to join in sessions with the other group of players to do on court training as well as 1 session at the gym and 3 short 20 minute sessions at home per week .

My son loves the training, It is challenging but fun. Hugh’s way of coaching athletes is different and that’s why it works. The athletes are not treated like machines they are encouraged to communicate both with their voice and with body language, the drills are designed for the players to take ownership of their own outcome, this results in much higher performance as they push each other.

Hugh’s way of coaching his client’s is not just about the physical element of the exercises and drills, It’s also about the mind body connection, He understands that everything starts with a thought and finishes with a thought and these thought’s need to be understood and managed well if you want to be successful in chosen field. I am excited for my son to be mentored by Hugh.

My son’s improvement over the last 3 months has been amazing."

Hasan Sinasi Ertekin

Business Owner

"I have had the fortune to work closely with Hugh recently through my business coaching programme and I’ve been genuinely impressed and frankly blown away by his thoughtfulness, honesty and genuine care for his clients and his community.

I can honestly say that his approach, service, delivery and most importantly results for his clients are absolutely first rate. As is his commitment to helping the people in his community.

Hugh’s approach is multifaceted. If you are looking for a coach that can help you lose a few pounds Hugh can deliver that, but you’ll actually get SO much more in the form of a genuine transformation of your health, well being, confidence, mindset and more.

If you’re someone that is looking for a genuine coach, someone that can help you stay on track with your health and wellness and really achieve the results that you’ve never experienced before, but craved for many years then I suggest you speak to Hugh today and begin your journey!"

Brendan Chaplin

Performance and Business Coach

"I have had the pleasure in training with Hugh now for nearly 2 years and during this time he has helped me with my physical and mental development.

His training technique is different from any other that I have tried in the past, as he started by looking at my specific goals and built a program from the foundation up to help me achieve them.

We targeted strength, mobility, agility, and cardio in order to better my climbing technique and performance. Over time we looked at explosive training, creating new neurological pathways to programme my brain to react and develop differently to get better results than I have had in the past and mobility stretches that would benefit my movement on the wall.

With the training, my climbing ability has improved immensely as well as my cardio and explosive performance."

Ashleigh Ireland

Get In Touch

Feel free to get in touch with me regarding any questions you have about working together or how I can further help you.

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